Biomedical Nitpickers – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans
One positive thing we can say about social media is, it’s a great leveler. Even CEO’s and celebrities reveal that, although their giant homes and incomes may be far removed from ours, their daily lives and fears are not that different. Nonetheless, even in a world with no secrets, you’d probably still be surprised if a celebrity went on Instagram with photos of their kid’s head lice.
Christina Womack says there is still a social stigma against admitting you’re infested with lice. And Christina ought to know – she’s the owner of Nitpicking in NOLA, a company that will come to your home or school and get rid of nits.
On the whole other end of the spectrum of human science, there’s Dave Winwood. Dave is a serious over-achiever who is visiting Out to Lunch from from Baton Rouge where he’s Associate Director of Pennington Biomedical Research Center as well as Assistant Executive Director of LSU’s Innovation Park.
Pennington Biomedical Research Center has over 450 employees. They work in 43 laboratories, on a 200-acre campus, focused primarily on researching causes and cures for chronic diseases. Innovation Park is an incredibly successful business incubator and technology transfer office. In the last 20 years it has generated $22m and created 134 full time jobs in Baton Rouge.
In New Orleans we’re familiar with conversation about finding ways for business and the arts to come together. We’re less familiar with the relationship between business and science. Or business and head lice.
Photos over lunch at Commander’s Palace by Jill Lafleur.