Fashion Function – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans
For a number of years now we’ve talked about New Orleans as a great place to start a business. But we’ve learned it’s not such an easy place to take a startup to the next level. When the business you’re starting up is not technology, but you’re actually manufacturing a real-world product, it becomes even more difficult.
Jaime Glas seems to have defied the odds. Jaime started a manufacturing business. She’s based out of New Orleans. And her company is doing great. Jaime’s company is called Haute Work. She makes industrial flame-resistant clothing for women.
If that’s one product you would never have thought of inventing, Luke Hooper has a bunch more. Everything from a whole new version of chess, to baked goods, and a new way of keeping your shoes on your feet. Luke has a company called Factor 10 Design, where they take original ideas and turn them into commercial products.
Photos over lunch at Commander’s Palace by Jill Lafleur.