NOLA 300 – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans
Joseph Makkos answered an ad on Craig’s List and ended up buying 30,000 perfectly preserved copies of The Times Picayune, dating back to 1885.
Through his company NOLA DNA, Joseph is setting about packaging and selling the contents of that collection.
Vincent Sciama is also a student of the history of New Orleans, especially our relationship with France. Vincent is France’s representative here. Officially he’s called the Consul General de France en Louisiane.
As an ambassador on a tour of duty in New Orleans, Vincent has to suffer through French Quarter Festival, Jazz Fest, Mardi Gras, and all sorts of other grueling diplomatic duties. On this edition of Out to Lunch Peter Ricchiuti discovers whether that’s as much fun as it sounds.
And, in these days of declining newspaper readership, Peter finds out if you can make more money out of newspapers printed in 1885 than 2018.
Photos at Commander’s Palace by Alison Moon.