Looking Good – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans
When you’re starting your own business you often hear two pieces of advice. “Do something you love.” And, “use your personal experience to better understand your business.”
Linsey Lamba used her personal experience as a technology consultant in Seattle, working with Microsoft, to go into business for herself. Making skincare products.
Linsey explains her transition from consultant to founder of Ariya Apothecary over lunch with Peter Ricchiuti.
Peter is also joined by Mark Berger.
Mark’s personal experience working out and running races, from marathons to ironman, have led him to carve out a career in the fitness industry.
Mark has two fitness studios, called Higher Power, and a myriad of other interests including Lululemon workout wear and the Gleason Classic road race.
They’re talking about the self generating loop of feeling good and looking good on this edition of Out to Lunch.
Photos at Commander’s Palace by Alison Moon.