It’s New Orleans: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByPeter Ricchiuti

Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business finance professor Peter Ricchiuti holds court over lunch at Columns in Uptown New Orleans. Peter's lunch guests are New Orleans business people, from startups to CEO's, from artists to tech entrepreneurs, musicians to movers-and-shakers. New Orleans is on everybody's list as a great place to party but it's also on many lists of the best place to start a business. Peter's deeply knowledgable and equally levity-laden approach to business conversation neatly makes sense of the Crescent City's contradictions.

Tourists and Locals – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans

If you live in or have spent any time in New Orleans recently, this has probably happened to you. You’re driving around town, or you walk out of a bar or restaurant, and you’re suddenly confronted by a huge bunch of people on bikes. The bikes are all decorated and lit up like neon signs and these people seem to be having the best time ever.

This is not a bunch of random friends. It’s a group of people organized by a company called Bike Rite. Bike Rite provides the bikes, the music, the route, and the party. It’s a whole lot of fun and a growing and successful business.

Bike Rite's Nick Reed

Co-founder of Bike Rite, Nick Reed, is Peter Ricchiuti’s lunch guest. 

So is Dennis Pearse.

The Roosevelt Hotel's Dennis Pearse

Dennis is General Manager of The Roosevelt Hotel. The Roosevelt is one of the oldest and most luxurious hotels in the city. It’s also the home of the legendary locals’ watering hole, the Sazerac Bar, and the city’s most celebrated cabaret venue, the Blue Room.

Tourists and locals meet, at Commander’s Palace on this edition of Out to Lunch.

Nick Reed, Dennis Pearse, Peter Ricchiuti

Photos by Alison Moon.

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