The Power and The Prairie – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans
What do you think of when you hear the word “prairie?” Wide open spaces? Grasses blowing in the dry, warm wind? Off on the horizon, cattle being driven over the ridge by cowboys?
Doesn’t sound much like Louisiana does it? It would, if most of our grassland was still intact. The fact is, Louisiana prairies are just as vital and just as threatened as their better known cousins, the wetlands.
Marc Pastorek spends a great deal of his professional life managing wild and restored land. Marc joins Peter Ricchiuti for lunch today.
Myron Katz is also in the business of saving, specifically, electricity. Myron’s latest innovation is called the Customer Lowered Electricity Price, which will allegedly lower your electricity bill. The rest of Myron’s day is spent with his architectural consultancy company, Building Science Innovators.
But wait, there’s more. A lower electricity bill and a wild prairie. All on this edition of Out to Lunch.
Photos at Commander’s Palace by Alison Moon.