It’s New Orleans: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByPeter Ricchiuti

Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business finance professor Peter Ricchiuti holds court over lunch at Columns in Uptown New Orleans. Peter's lunch guests are New Orleans business people, from startups to CEO's, from artists to tech entrepreneurs, musicians to movers-and-shakers. New Orleans is on everybody's list as a great place to party but it's also on many lists of the best place to start a business. Peter's deeply knowledgable and equally levity-laden approach to business conversation neatly makes sense of the Crescent City's contradictions.

It’s Magic – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans

There’s so much music and film in New Orleans, we could do a weekly show exclusively about show business. Even if we were to do that, this edition of Out to Lunch would still be out of the ordinary. Peter’s lunch guests are in very non-traditional aspects of the entertainment industry.

mike dardant

Mike Dardant is a magician. His abilities with sleight of hand, comedy, and pickpocketing have earned him International awards, as well as character roles and consulting jobs on films and music videos.

Janet Wilson

Janet Wilson is Executive Director of an improv comedy troupe called Funny Bones. Don’t call Ticketmaster looking for tickets to a Funny Bones show. Funny Bones performances are free. But you have to be child in a hospital to get to see them.

peter ricchiuti

New Orleans is home to all kinds of new and innvoative entrepreneurial businesses. Comedy and magic hearken back to an age and centuries past that pre-date the internet and NOLA the brain-gain, but Janet and Mike are taking both comedy and magic to, literally, places they have never been.

Photos at Commander’s Palace by Alison Moon.

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