It’s New Orleans: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByPeter Ricchiuti

Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business finance professor Peter Ricchiuti holds court over lunch at Columns in Uptown New Orleans. Peter's lunch guests are New Orleans business people, from startups to CEO's, from artists to tech entrepreneurs, musicians to movers-and-shakers. New Orleans is on everybody's list as a great place to party but it's also on many lists of the best place to start a business. Peter's deeply knowledgable and equally levity-laden approach to business conversation neatly makes sense of the Crescent City's contradictions.

Healthy Mommy – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans

It would be hard to find anybody in America who doesn’t know that there’s a link between diet and health. It would, however, be no problem to find a hundred people on your street who want to eat healthier but don’t. Our usual excuses are – healthy food is harder to find, it’s expensive, and it doesn’t taste good.

Betty Archote’s company, Healthy Course Meals, is out to change that.

Betty Archote

Healthy Course Meals make affordable, tasty, balanced meals – and they deliver them to you.

If you currently weigh more than you’d like because you recently had a baby, you might be finding it’s not as easy as it used to be to shed those extra pounds. That’s where Jenn Lormond’s program, Mommy Movement, comes in.

Jenn Lormand

Jenn is an exercise physiologist, trainer, and mother, who’s literally written the book on getting in shape – physically and emotionally –  after childbirth.

Jenn Lormand, Betty Archote, Peter Ricchiutti

Jenn Lormond and Betty Archote share a healthy lunch and some enlightening conversation with Peter Ricchiuti on this edition of Out to Lunch.

Photos at Commander’s Palace by Alison Moon.

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