Education 3.0 – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans
The world of New Orleans education is changing. For elementary, middle, and high schools that change has been so radical that we’ve become global pioneers in charter education.
There’s another education transformation going on that you might be less familiar with. It’s a parallel universe. Of paradoxes. They’re educational entrepreneurial ventures – that are nonprofit. Organizations that integrate into the education system – but aren’t a part of it. Two of these intriguing new ventures are here in New Orleans.
Matt Candler is principal of a company called 4.0 Schools.
Jonas Chartock leads Leading Educators.
Matt and Jonas join Peter Ricchiuti on this edition of Out to Lunch to explain the revolution behind the revolution. It’s an eye-opening and fascinating insight into the future of education, in New Orleans and far beyond.
Peter’s entrepreneur du jour today is, P H Fred, creator The Freducator, a simple $4.99 smart phone app that helps students outsmart the ACT. And by all accounts, works.
Photos at Commander’s Palace by Alison Moon.