It’s New Orleans: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByPeter Ricchiuti

Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business finance professor Peter Ricchiuti holds court over lunch at Columns in Uptown New Orleans. Peter's lunch guests are New Orleans business people, from startups to CEO's, from artists to tech entrepreneurs, musicians to movers-and-shakers. New Orleans is on everybody's list as a great place to party but it's also on many lists of the best place to start a business. Peter's deeply knowledgable and equally levity-laden approach to business conversation neatly makes sense of the Crescent City's contradictions.

Dat On a Cool Tin Roof – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans

Whether you believe global warming is caused by man or nature, according to NASA, 2014 was earth’s hottest year on record. One of the causes of our continued heating is the depletion of polar caps and other frozen surfaces. They help cool us not so much because they’re cold but because they’re flat and white and reflect the sun, bouncing its heat off of the earth. That is also the concept behind revolutionary reflective roofs.

david lamouranne

David Lamouranne from Green Star Cool Roof Coatings is Peter’s guest on this edition of Out to Lunch.

stacy armitage

Stacy Armitage joins Peter for lunch, too. Stacy works at the opposite end of the environment to the roof – on the ground and in the water. Stacy is Project Leader of the Southeast Louisiana Refuge complex, maintaining our wetlands for wildlife, recreation, and as a barrier against the effects of global warming.

stacy armitage, david lamouranne, peter ricchiuti

Peter, Stacy, and David discuss the economics of nature, and take questions from listeners.

Photos on this page taken at Commander’s Palace by Cheryl DalPozzal.

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