It’s New Orleans: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByPeter Ricchiuti

OUT TO LUNCH finds the country's most entertaining finance professor Peter Ricchiuti conducting business New Orleans style: over lunch. Each week Peter invites guests from the New Orleans business world to join him, sometimes for fine dining others for pizza. From CEO's to startups, managers, musicians, biomed needle-movers, Silicon Bayou success stories and entrepreneurs of all stripes put aside the elevator pitch and the talking points and actually enjoy themselves. It's business, New Orleans style.
You can also hear the show on WWNO 89.9FM.

Back of Town Comes Back – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans

When people talk about which parts of New Orleans are desirable, you often hear the phrase, “block by block.” Meaning, in blighted parts of town there are bright spots. And in the nicer parts of town there are areas that are not so great.

Two parts of town that have been commercially block by block are the mostly empty lots around Loyola Avenue near the Superdome, and the largely abandoned Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard.

Today, that’s all changing.

matt schwartz

Matt Schwarz’s The Domain Companies is investing a quarter of a billion dollars into developing a downtown wasteland into a commercial and residential community called The South Market District.

linda pompa

Linda Pompa is leading the Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard Merchants and Business Association on a rapidly rejuvenating central city commercial corridor.

matt schwartz, linda pompa, peter ricchiuti

Linda Pompa and Matt Schwarz join Peter Ricchiuti on this edition of Out to Lunch with the lowdown on just how the back of town is coming back. 

Realtor Tracey Moore