It’s New Orleans: Out to Lunch

Hosted ByPeter Ricchiuti

OUT TO LUNCH finds the country's most entertaining finance professor Peter Ricchiuti conducting business New Orleans style: over lunch. Each week Peter invites guests from the New Orleans business world to join him, sometimes for fine dining others for pizza. From CEO's to startups, managers, musicians, biomed needle-movers, Silicon Bayou success stories and entrepreneurs of all stripes put aside the elevator pitch and the talking points and actually enjoy themselves. It's business, New Orleans style.
You can also hear the show on WWNO 89.9FM.

Sopo Tchoup – Out to Lunch – It’s New Orleans

Every time a new mobile device comes out we can put more stuff on it. These days we don’t need to carry a calendar, phone book, yellow pad, book, map, magazine, music player, camera, DVD player, laptop, or even a heart monitor. So what, exactly, are we putting in these bags and backpacks we all lug around? Somebody who knows the answer to that is Patti Dunn.

patti dunn, peter ricchiuti

Patti’s New Orleans company, Tchoup Industries, makes bags and back packs. 

If you have the right font on your device, Sopo has two dots over the “o’s” like Motorhead and Motley Crue. But SOPO is not a band, it’s the name of a store on a retail-challenged stretch of Carrollton Avenue where they sell Tchoup bags and other New Orleans made artisan products.

robin borne

Robin Borne from SOPO joins Peter on this edition of Out to Lunch.

crutcher reiss

In the entrepreneur segment of the show, Peter introduces Crutcher Reiss and his startup biz, My Mix Nutrition. Hear a longer conversation with Crutcher, Peter, Robin, and Patti, here.

Realtor Tracey Moore