What is fear?

Fear is a natural response to a perception of danger. All creatures on earth have it. We use fear to spur us into action – to run or take other steps to save our lives.

There are many studies listing specific fears of different societies. Believe it or not, here in the United Sates, one of our greatest fears is public speaking. In numerous studies, the fear of public speaking ranks number one – higher even than the fear of death.

I’m not a psychologist, sociologist or neuroscientist so I’m not about to embark on an exploration of why that is, but I do know there are ways to conquer this fear. And it is worth conquering. The inability to express yourself when you have something to say can severely impact your career.

Chris Trew is the father of New Orleans comedy scene, creator of the Hell Yes! comedy festival and the nationwide Air Sex comedy competition as well as a public speaking and communication coach to business people

Chris Trew is the father of New Orleans comedy scene, creator of the Hell Yes! comedy festival and the nationwide Air Sex comedy competition as well as a public speaking and communication coach to business people

In New Orleans, Chris Trew is an improv comedian who, alongside his comedy career, has turned his talents toward teaching communication skills. Chris conducts workshops for people in business. His goal is to help a business person become a better communicator, a better leader in their field, and to learn to embrace and enjoy attention rather than fear it.

In the world of New Orleans comedy, comedian Nicolo Giardina is known as “Pickle.” The name was inspired by a rap song and cemented by fellow inmates when Pickle spent time in jail, the result of a decade-long career in sales – in the drug business.

Today, rather than sit around and wait for the phone to ring to be booked at a local comedy club, Pickle has crossed over to the other side of the microphone and produces comedy shows. These shows are principally called Roast Beefin’.

"Pickle" is the professional name of stand-up comedian and comedy producer Nicolo Giardina, creator of the New Orleans Roast Beefin' shows

“Pickle” is the professional name of stand-up comedian and comedy producer Nicolo Giardina, creator of the New Orleans Roast Beefin’ shows

Roast Beefin’s are comedy roasts where two comedians battle each other in a kind of cutting competition. You can see Roast Beefin’ mostly at the Hi Ho –Lounge – where it’s been anchored since 2020.

Although producing comedy shows in what is principally a music venue and bar in St Claude might sound like a fun way to make a living, Pickle describes the local comedy industry as “competitive and ruthless.”

In 1946 a show opened on Broadway called Annie Get Your Gun. A number of songs from that show have survived to this day. Maybe the most well-known is a song called “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” On the one hand the song is a love letter to the world of live performance. And on the other, it’s a wry observation of the kind of addiction behavior that seems to underlie the world of entertainers. This verse might say it best:
“Even with a turkey that you know will fold
You may be stranded out in the cold
But still you wouldn’t change it for a sack of gold
Let’s go on with the show”

Chris and Pickle, as producers of comedy in New Orleans, have both chosen a tough path. But although it might sound trite, it’s true – somebody has to do it. We need comedy, and comedy demands comedians.

Chris Trew, audio engineer Blake Langlinais, Peter Ricchiuti, producer Grant Morris,and PIckle, Out to Lunch at Columns on St Charles Avenue

Chris Trew, audio engineer Blake Langlinais, Peter Ricchiuti, producer Grant Morris, and Pickle, Out to Lunch at Columns on St Charles Avenue

Out to Lunch was recorded live over lunch at Columns in Uptown New Orleans. Photos by Jill Lafleur.

It's Bougie baby
Realtor Tracey Moore