If you’re trapped at home hating watching the world come to an end, remember the wise words of Sergio from the band Rodo: One man’s dystopia is another man’s utopia.

Sergio & Rodo – Dystopia vs Utopia
Sergio and Rodo (the person) play a couple of songs that illustrate this dichotomy, as well as pulling together another pair of polar concepts, ballads and hip hop, into their unique blend of music that Grant apparently branded as Hip Hop Ballad. Their new music is out April 15th, so enjoy your dystopia/utopia with a new soundtrack.

Linda Midgett – Same God
Also, while you’re holed up in the house, how about watching Linda Midgett’s movie, Same God? Its on Amazon and AppleTV and is a feature length documentary about a black woman college professor at an evangelical school who decides to show some empathy for Muslim women by walking around in a hijab. You can probably guess what happens to her but it sounds a lot more worthwhile and compelling than Tiger King.

Blake Haney – leaning toward Dystpoia
The last time we had a major societal meltdown in New Orleans, Blake Haney and his company Dirty Coast were at the forefront of the recovery, galvanizing us around the bumper sticker that said it all, “Be a New Orleanian wherever you are.” This time around Blake isn’t quite so upbeat about how this is all going to go down. But’s one of the smartest and most erudite guys in town so his opinion is very much worth listening to.

Happy Hour on Zoom
Photos by Jill Lafleur.
Here’s last week’s Covideo.