After making Happy Hour for nearly 10 years and meeting with random folks in various bars around New Orleans, this is the very first show where we just turn on the mics, put the Zoom link out on the internet and sit back and see who shows up.

Andrew C-Rock Cirac stomps on pornographers
Predictably, we get a bunch of people trying to hack the show down and hijack us with a bunch of porn, but other than a few salacious moments, our Digital producer Andrew “C-Rock” Cirac manages to run a tight ship and let in a few folks from around the country.

In rural Alabama David Wilkins gives cyclists warm showers
One of them is David Wilkins, who is calling in from a small town just outside of Birmingham, Alabama. David lives with his wife of 35 years – they got married at 18 right out of high school – and for company they open their home to folks who pass by on bicycles. These are all members of a community of cyclists united by their membership of an organization called

Yes, he’s the guy from Love Hog. it’s Asher Griffith
Asher Griffith is Happy Hour’s Facebook Live director, currently hunkering down with his mom in a small town called Greers Ferry, which, apparently, would have been spelled with an apostrophe if it wasn’t in rural Fox News-driven Alabama where niceties like grammar don’t matter that much. On this show we learn that Asher has a secret life as a musician, that started with his first band Love Hog, and only terminated with his most recent band, Grass Mud Horse. Asher plays a song on this Happy Hour that manages to combine two of America’s rural ways of life: cowboys and masturbation.

who are these random people?
Other guests on today’s show include Thomas Walsh, Graham daPonte, Monique Pyle, Christopher Roth, and a guy playing an accordion player whose identity remains a mystery.
Photos by Jill Lafleur. If you want to relive the good old days when hung out in bars, check this out.