3 Ways To Not Get Paid – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
On this Happy Hour, veteran New Orleans music writer Alex Rawls notes there are three ways to not get paid in the music business: write about music, take photos of musicians, or actually play music. We have all the bases covered in this conversation.
Alex could have added a 4th way: podcasting. He’s recently launched a new podcast which might actually have a bit of traction. It’s called The Twelve Songs of Christmas, which is a bit misleading because it’s about more than just 12 songs, but it is a quirky and unique examination of Christmas music by Alex and the people who make the music. By the way, to add to the cruelty of the poverty of the music business, Alex also teaches aspiring music writers at Loyola University.
When she’s not kicking fans in the face or beating adoring women away from her with a stick, Mia Borders is fantasizing about men she runs into at Costco. She got a great song out of the latter experience, which she sings on this show, and has some great stories about the former. And Mia has a new record out, The Good Side of Bad, a title that sums up the state of mind she was in but seems to have left far behind. Mia also teaches how to graduate into a life of poverty at Loyola University, educating young musicians.
Hope Byrd has dreamed up a way to make a living that she describes as “a business plan destined to fail,” aka photographing musicians. You can see Hope’s photos on Instagram at her account The Gold Frame. They’re impressive, and without the aid of encouraging poverty at Loyola, Hope seems to be keeping body and soul together just fine. Don’t ask her exactly who she’s dating though. Okay, ask, it’s totally worth it.
Photos at Wayfare by Jill Lafleur.