6 Dead For Dinner – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
Anne Ohri’s plan for the ultimate demise of her family is, as each member dies, for them individually to be wired into a chair at a dining table set up in a mausoleum on their family farm in Plaqueimine’s Parish and be slowly reclaimed by the ocean as erosion destroys Louisiana.
Strangely, that’s kind of the plan for her $10m experimental school called New Harmony High. New Harmony is one of only ten projects in America that is re-imagining high school education that will prepare kids for jobs that are yet to be invented. It’s wildly futuristic and exciting. So is selling pot in Colorado, which is what her youngest of four kids does and which is, unknown to him, giving him lungs that will assure him of a choice seat at the table of the dead. (By the way, Anne already has the table.)
Dr. Les White has a buddy who knows a lot about human lungs – he’s a cardio-thoracic surgeon – and he told Les that “The ugliest human lungs he sees are the ones belonging to people who smoke pot.” That might not sound too poetic but there’s a good chance that Les could make it sound that way if he had a mind to. Les has 35 years of experience as a professor of English lit, specializing in poetry. He can even rhapsodize about the four dogs that live at his bedside, in urns.
Erica Falls decided a year ago that she wants to end up in an urn too. Not necessarily one at Les’s bedside. But she still hasn’t given up on growing old with the love of her life, if he would just show up and do what he promised he could deliver. Until then, Erica’s getting good mileage out of the optimism of falling in love on her new record Home Grown. Erica sings a beautiful song off of the record, called The Makings of Love.
Erica is accompanied by one of the city’s greatest guitar players, the fabulous June Yamagishi, who has not yet made a decision about cremation versus burial and isn’t inclined to make it today. He does, however, play guitar throughout the entire show. If you don’t feel compelled for any other reason to check this conversation out, ignore the witty banter about eternity and the Oversoul, and listen to June play – it’s beautiful.
Photos at Wayfare by Alison Moon.