Facebook Is My Client – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
Mike Dillon is one of the greatest and most inventive percussionists in the USA, or probably anywhere.
Mike chose to move to New Orleans for one simple reason: the music. He’s been on an interesting path to get here, not so much geographically as spiritually and psychologically.
Being a New Orleanian also means you can drop the pretense and the b.s. that comes with living other places. If you want to know what that means in the real world, take a listen to what Mike has to say about his own life and life in general. And for a special treat, take a listen to Mike play.
Veronica Alweiss is a life coach. If you’ve ever wondered exactly what that is and why you might need one, well, everybody’s doing it. Even the super cool, super successful folks at Facebook, who are Veronica’s clients. Veronica solves the same questions in this conversation that she solves for the big shots at FB: why are we here and what would we like to leave behind? Along with the mirth, smart ass responses, the beer and cocktails, there are some pretty interesting answers to these questions from this happy hour gathering.
Erik Neumann owns a restaurant called Fud Bar (Fud is pronounced food) in Gentilly. It’s a cool new concept where they serve chef prepared meals for the home cooking crowd. But when he started out, Erik had ideas about being a musician. For a shining moment he gets to live out those dreams today, playing a song he wrote a few years back, for his answer machine.
Andrew Duhon is in town and had enough time on his hands before the show to bang out a brand new and very beautiful song.
This is one of those New Orleans conversations that takes on a life of its own and goes places you wouldn’t expect.
Photos at Wayfare by Alison Moon.