Death: the podcast

Hosted ByDr Arian Elfant

New Orleans has a unique relationship to death: we have a ridiculously high murder rate, we party at funerals, and we end up above ground. Death: the podcast tells the stories of personal experiences of death - fear of it, laughing at it, life-changing brushes with it, dealing with lost loved ones, and our own inevitable and unknown heart-stopping moment. Through confronting death we learn what it is to be alive.

The sculptured mind of Beverly Morris – Death: the podcast – It’s New Orleans

It’s one thing to be recognized as an artist, a yoga instructor, and a successful copywriter, but being a brain cancer survivor takes life to a new level. Beverly Morris is a survivor. She has had three surgeries, four years of chemotherapy, and a lifetime dose of radiation. What she takes away from all of this is a great appreciation of life, and the discipline to say “no” a whole lot more.

 Beverly Morris

In this edition of Death: the podcast, Arian and Beverly discuss some of the lessons learned from a long journey of treatment, facing death, and living life with an inoperable tumor. Beverly opens up about everything she’s been through, learned, and continues to learn: from how precious basic life-tasks are, to the rewards of supporting others with their own difficult prognosis. 

 Beverly Morris yoga

Even after a number of ambulance rides to the hospital and various methods of treatment Beverly wouldn’t give up this experience. Yes, Beverly does indeed have a lot on her mind.