50 Ways to Leave Your Lover – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
The day Megan Braden-Perry woke up and decided her husband smelled too bad and liked loud noise too much to stay married to him, she started mentioning it on Twitter. Her husband, some days or maybe weeks later, decided to check Twitter out for himself after his mom told him she’d been reading some pretty weird stuff about him. What transpired next led Megan to get a divorce and be happily dating a bunch of guys (number unknown) including “a little dude down the street” from Wayfare.
Rachel Vette, the singer in the band The Vettes, reluctantly admits she’s married though she lost the wedding ring she never really had. Yes, it’s a weird story but Rachel doesn’t like peer or societal pressure and most of her life is pretty non-conforming – including marrying a guy whose name is a secret and ditching her ring under bizarre and half-remembered circumstances.
Nick Napolitano is a comedian at The New Movement Theater and the producer of New Orleans’ ever growing comedy festival, Hell Yes Fest. Nick almost became a tax preparer and a history teacher but booze and comedy saved his life.
Photos by Alison Moon.