Wilder Has Three Daddies – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
When you had a vasectomy at age 30 (via a doctor who apparently decided it wasn’t a moment too soon to remove you from the gene pool), then fall in love with a woman who’s determined to have a baby, the solution is obvious: a sperm donation from your gay best friend and shared parenthood with donor-dad and his partner. Andy Overslaugh tells Happy Hour about son WIlder’s three dads, Wilder’s mom Lori and her Leap Day proposal, and their surprisingly unsurprising, unconventional family.
Although he says he’s best known as Lori Tipton’s fiancé, Andy is what Happy Hour guest host Rich Collins calls a “five-in-one” threat. What else do you call a 20-year bartender whose incarnations include indie professional wrestler, Katrina race-car driver, standup-bass smashing leader of a ‘90s rockabilly band, and one of Wilder’s dads? Don’t miss his tip for men who want to hang out at Victoria’s Secret without creeping out the clientele.
Andy’s most vivid stories describe the wild world of professional wrestling, complete with hidden razors, gushing blood and a nemesis called Dick Nasty, so you might be surprised to know he’s a big fan of Renaissance-festival jousting.
Speaking of which, Happy Hour favorite George Elizondo recounts the time he played at a Renaissance festival…with a Motown band…to an audience of no one. At least he got to eat a big turkey leg when it was over. George’s copy music for the sponsorship[ announcements chills out the house.
When she realizes a missing guest has resulted in a show reeking of testosterone, Happy Hour producer Graham da Ponte steps in to provide some estrogen…and is promptly reduced to tears by Rich’s devastating song about New Orleans’s mean streets.
Finally, Andrew Duhon makes his last Happy Hour appearance of the month before heading for an east coast tour—find his dates for a club near you at AndrewDuhon.com.
Rich Collins of the Imagination Movers, guest-hosting for Grant, keeps things moving with some stories of his own—including the tender tale of a 10-year underpants ritual—and some seriously grownup music.