Death: the podcast

Hosted ByDr Arian Elfant

New Orleans has a unique relationship to death: we have a ridiculously high murder rate, we party at funerals, and we end up above ground. Death: the podcast tells the stories of personal experiences of death - fear of it, laughing at it, life-changing brushes with it, dealing with lost loved ones, and our own inevitable and unknown heart-stopping moment. Through confronting death we learn what it is to be alive.

Underneath the White Coat – Death: the podcast – It’s New Orleans

Dr. Joseph Semmes had to turn in his lab coat for a hospital gown. The process led Joe to see health care, his health care, in a different light. Becoming a patient motivated Joe to widen his scope of practice to palliative and hospice medicine. Joe has since championed their use to increase quality of life and, at times, extend life.

Joe Semmes

 Arian talks with Joe about his journey through his own health crisis and how the twists and turns his body has thrown at him have shaped his current views on dying.

 Joe Semmes near farm

As our bodies age and certain developments are out of our control, Joe reflects on the importance of the simple things. What he discovers is that these are often the things directly in front of him.