Fine Dining In The Front Seat – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
In the first moments of this Happy Hour Jim McCormick demonstrates the inner workings of the mind of a song writer.
Happy Hour tech director Chris Kehoe went out to his car to get some equipment, Grant read the intro to the show about Wayfare putting “fine dining into a sandwich” and Jim immediately came up with a song title, “Fine dining In the Front Seat.” That’s how you write a hit country song. Jim ought to know, he’s written plenty including the current single (I Do) Like We Do performed (poorly according to Grant) by Harry Connick Jr.
Emily Reimsnyder, who by the way makes a career out of winning friends and influencing people, has no hesitation telling Jim she likes all kinds of music, but not country. Emily, a guitar player herself, demonstrates exactly what it is about country that drives her nuts and has had enough cucumber cocktails to be cajoled in playing some of her 10 chords that she learned from a book.
Andrew Duhon – as of this show – is getting help from Jim McCormick to finish the remaining songs that need to be completed for his new ablum, and in return is giving Jim guitar lessons so Jim too can play in the style of Piedmont Pink Anderson, the inspiration for Pink Floyd and Barbara Streisand.
Jim admits to a period in his life when he loved Barbara, including her blockbuster hit “People” which is totally coincidentally the name of the feature film by writer/director Shane McGoey. People is about the festival circuit and has found its greatest advocate after Shane’s mom in Emily Reimsnyder.
This is perhaps the most off-the-rails Happy Hour barroom conversation ever. We can only imagine what happens when the cocktails wear off.
Photos at Wayfare by Alison Moon.