It’s New Orleans: Happy Hour

Hosted ByGrant Morris & Andrew Duhon

HAPPY HOUR is a cocktail-fueled 60 minutes of random conversation with folks who have nothing in common, other than being New Orleanians in a bar. Featuring extraordinary New Orleans musicians playing live, host Grant Morris and sidekick deluxe Andrew Duhon.

Funky Baghdad Disco Biscuits – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans

Funk is many things to many people but apparently to the new breed of New Orleans hipsters the one thing it’s not is hip. That’s the report from both sides of the front line.

ERIC bernstein

Eric Bernstein is the quintessential hipster. A downtown resident who lived in Brooklyn, moved to Austin, then Detroit – where he still spends the Summer – he has an entrepreneurial startup in New Orleans called Werkly, a revolutionary approach to getting stuff done – not a vocation that New Orleans is typically known for. And Eric is not ashamed to tell you straight out, he doesn’t like funk.

jermaine quiz

Jermaine Quiz says that’s just how it is with the new breed of New Orleans hipsters. And he ought to know. Jermaine makes funk. And hip hop. Blending live New Orleans funk musicians and rap rhyme, Jermaine has created a unique and increasingly popular sound with his band Jealous Monk, recent winners of OffBeat Magazine’s Best of the Beat award for New Orleans’ best rap/hip hop artist. Jealous Monk has a third album on the way as well as a new web series, set in the little know “British Quarter.”

natalie pompilio

Natalie Pompilio spent part of the U.S’s Iraqi hunt for Sadaam Hussein in Iraq hunting for Sadaam Hussein. Embedded with the military as a reporter for the Philadelphia Enquirer, the unit Natalie was embedded with were the guys who eventually found Sadaam Hussein, though by that time Natalie was back in Philly hanging at the aquarium (not) eating fish.

graham daponte, eric bernstein, grant morris, natalie pompilio

The photos on this page were taken by the gainfully empoyed aquaculturist Douglas Engel at Wayfare.