Cloudy, With a Chance of Triangles – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
Sean Gautreaux is not totally normal, but he’s pretty close.
An illustrator of children’s books and graphic designer of well known video games, he’s not a kook but he has spent a great deal of time and money trying to figure out what the UFO’s are hovering above his house.
The UFO’s are hidden in the shadows of the clouds. No matter where you are in the world, look up into the sky. You’ll see them. The triangles. They might be angels, aliens, military spacecraft painted to be “cloaked” and invisible, or a couple of other possibilities that Sean does his best to explain.
Everyone else sitting around the table is pretty polite and respectful. Except Andrew Duhon who’s not buying it for a minute.
Andrew is the 2014 Winner of The Big Easy Award for Best Folk or Country Artist. No stranger to accolades, Andrew recounts his past triumphant win: the 3-legged race in elementary school.
Back in school there probably wasn’t a category for Most Likely to Write a Cynical Song About Dating. Andrew previews his new, unfinished not exactly love song that features the lyrics, “We’re going out, Like a dying cigarette.”
The staggeringly impressive Scorseses make their 3rd appearance on Happy Hour, this time with new band members Sage Rouge (Social Set) and P Michael Hayes (from Hazy Ray).
The band’s debut album, Magnumopus, is out and they’re gearing up to hit the road on a nationwide tour. They rip up Casa Borrega with a cocktail curdling version of the classic weed smoking song, Minnie the Moocher.
All the photos on this page were taken at Casa Borrega by the beadless Douglas Engel.