Cow Urine or Death – Happy Hour – It’s New Orleans
If you kill someone in New Orelans and you’d like to avoid the death penalty, Brandi Studer is the person you need to get to know.
Brandi works for the Capital Defense Project where she spends her day putting together arguments to convince a jury you’d be better off alive, in jail or out, than dead.
Eris Walsh will save your life too. Eris is creator of New Moon Apothecary and a self-confessed punk. It’s the apothecary side of her persona that will save you but you’ll live to appreciate Social Distortion and the Misfits.
Luke Winslow King might be the handsomest guy in New Orleans. He was certainly the best looking white guy in Orleans Parish Prison the weekend he wound up there. Luke tries out a couple of new songs from his forthcoming yet-to-be-titled album.
Andrew Duhon is back from Sri Lanka and India with wonderful tales of his saintly uncle and sitars. Andrew tries out a new song as well.
The photos on this page are all taken the fabulous Douglas Engel. Douglas is available for weddings, barmitzvahs and aquatic expeditions.