Midnight Menu +1

Hosted ByRay Cannata & Margo Moss

Ray Cannata has eaten at over 750 New Orleans restaurants, so he knows a thing or two about hanging out. Margo Moss has turned Ted's Frostop from a greasy spoon into a considerably less greasy but not quite silver spoon. When the sun goes down on The NOLA Brewing Tap Room in the Irish Channel, Ray and Margo entertain members of New Orleans restaurant community. Their guests bring along a friend, a +1. Anything can happen.

Food of the Gods Ice Cream – Midnight Menu +1 – It’s New Orleans

Bryan Gilmore likes to mix it up. Blast freeze it. Thaw it. Freeze it. Serve it. That’s how you make ice cream and that’s what Bryan does all day on Prytania Street in the old McKenzie’s Bakery, which according to the Historic Places designated red neon sign outside, is still McKenzie’s but in fact is Creole Creamery, Uptown’s favorite ice cream shop.

creole creamery

bryan gilmore

Imagine if you could eat all the ice cream you want, from childhood, and never get cavities in your teeth. That’s what is happening to Bryan’s kids. Because they brush with Theodent – the chocolate toothpaste created in New Orleans.


The creator of Theodent is the mad scientist genius Dr Arman Sadeghpour. Who also happens to be Brian’s +1 guest on this episode of Midnight Menu +1.

arman sadeghpour

eat ice cream

Tips on how to keep ice cream fresh frozen at home, the “scoop” on foie gras ice cream, the secret to good teeth, and more… This is hands down the most educational decadent healthy New Orleans podcast in ice cream and toothpaste history.